Posts for: #request tracker

Bootstrap Request Tracker

At one of my previous jobs I had setup Request Tracker to handle support tickets. Request tracker is actually a very powerful piece of software that is unfortunately stucking using a quite ugly theme. They did recently modernize the code behind the theme but it’s still far from perfect. To that end I decided to include some Bootstrap (pre-version 3) to the theme to help spice things up a little bit.
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Request Tracker - Map AD OU to Queue

While working for a school district that ran a windows shop I decided to branch out and use Request Tracker for support tickets. The software allowed us to handle issue more efficently, however, it had a major drawback in that someone would need to manually assign tickets that came in to the proper queue. Since each school building had its own tech(s) we gave each building a queue and then made that buildings tech(s) masters of those queues.
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